Conde Nast Traveler China
Conde Nast Traveler China

The Ultimate Travel & Lifestyle Bible for the Upscale Chinese People

Condé Nast Traveler 중국판은 여가와 고급 생활, 캐주얼한 라이프스타일 및 최고급 열망의 가지고 있는 균형 잡힌 복합체입니다.  문화적으로 세련되고 풍요로운 중국인들의 증가하는 요구에 부응하여 세계 최고 수준의 럭셔리 여행 목적지와 라이프스타일을 발견하고 경험하고자 하는 욕구를 충족시키기 위하여 컨텐츠가 맞춤 제작되었습니다.

Condé Nast Traveler 중국판은 막강한 국제적 자원과 업계에서 가장 명성이 높은 권위 있는 Gold List 를 보유하고 있어 경쟁업체와 차별화를 가지고 있습니다.

사진 작가, 작가 및 저명한 디자인의 최고 품질 또한 다른 경쟁자와 차별화됩니다.  Condé Nast Traveler 중국판은 "여행의 진실" 을 믿으며, 기사 독립성은 잡지를 시장에서 최고로 만듭니다.

The Chinese Edition of Condé Nast Traveler is a balanced mix of leisure interest and elegant living, casual lifestyle and high-end aspiration.  Its content is tailor-made for China’s growing number of culturally refined and affluent individuals, seeking to satisfy their desire to discover and experience the world’s top luxury travel destinations and lifestyles.

Condé Nast Traveler China differs from competitors with strong international resources and well established authoritative Gold List which has its best reputation in the industry.

The best quality of photographer, writer and distinguished design would make the magazine outstanding from other competitors.  Condé Nast Traveler China believes “Truth in Travel”.  Condé Nast Traveler China editorial independence makes the magazine invincible in the market.


Insider's View

Editor in chief sits down with an industry insider or a life-and-travel loving elite to explore the latest developments in the travelling world, exchanging travel experiences, and tapping into the meaning of travelling.

Word of Mouth

It's a scrapbook of the happenings in the current or recent months, carrying interviews with people relevant to the latest hot topics or industrial insiders, reporting new lifestyle trends.  There's a wealth of information, including flights, hotels (new hotels/seasonal discounts), catering, cruise, arts, luxury goods, gadgets, new books and travel Apps.

Short Break

Short Break recommends the most suitable resorts for weekends or short breaks near domestic and foreign big cities.  In this section, you can find comprehensive hotels, restaurants and sightseeing information.

Where to Stay

It provides fresh hotel information, most authoritative hotel introduction, and utterly authentic hotel experiences.  All interviews and photographing are done in the hotels to ensure the readers can enjoy the practical first-hand information.  Its columns include Mr. Hotel, Room Service, Hotel Buzz among others.

Food & Drink

It presents travel related food and drink information, including local cuisines, wine culture, winery briefing, restaurant recommendation, chefs and foodies interview.


Informer is one of the specialities.  It brings the readers travel information, latest news of environmental protection and tourism industry.  It unveils insider secrets and behind the scene stories of the aviation industry, hotels, cruises, and travel agencies.  It also shares with the reader's unique experiences of smart travellers, so that they can become one themselves.


As the most important section, Destination employs world class photographers and writers to present the readers with the most impressive photos and outstanding travel stories in a highly professional manner, depicting the crushes and integration of rich cultures and history.

Special Feature

Every few months has an especially created theme in line with the annual editorial plan, including Spa, cuisine, family, beach, environment, business travelling, etc.

Travel in Style

Providing practical travel guidelines and suggestions with visually stunning editorial photos.  Here, professionals share with the readers the secrets of choosing the right trendy outfits, shopping guidelines that one can't afford to miss, and how to take care oneself during trips.  Columns include shopping, still well, health trip, and what to pack etc.

Iconic Itinerary

Joint hands with travel experts, CNT designs an iconic itinerary.  Using the literary as a reference, the readers can travel further, while enjoying an even more unique travel experience.

Room with a View

Presenting a hotel room with a gorgeous view, leaving readers with a lasting impression of the hotel.

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