Understand Asia
채널뉴스아시아는 1999년에 설립된, 글로벌 전망을 담은 뉴스와 정보를 제공하는 아시아 최고의 영어 뉴스 채널입니다.
"아시아인의 시각으로 세계를 바라본다" 는 컨셉 아래 출범한 채널뉴스아시아는 최신 뉴스뿐만이 아니라 헤드라인 이면의 이야기 또한 다루고 있습니다.
채널뉴스아시아는 아시아, 중동, 호주 지역을 중심으로 28개국 6천1백만 가정과 호텔에 전파되며, 진행자 18명과 아시아 주요 도시, 뉴욕, 워싱턴, 런던, 브뤼셀 등의 특파원 17명으로 구성되어 있습니다.
Channel NewsAsia Singapore was established in March 1999 by MediaCorp, and is an English language Asian TV News channel. Positioned to "Understand Asia", it reports on global developments with Asian perspectives.
Channel NewsAsia brings viewers not only the latest news but also the stories behind the headlines, Based in Singapore, it has correspondents in major Asian cities and key Western ones, including New York, Washington D.C, London and Brussels.
The channel is complemented by an online presence at channelnewsasia.com, and social media services like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
Channel NewsAsia (International), was launched in September 2000, as the international broadcasting arm of Channel NewsAsia Singapore. It is now viewed in 28 territories across Asia. The satellite footprint of the channel stretches across the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and Australia.
With Channel NewsAsia's unique position, it is able to feature Asia's uniqueness and diverse composition of cultures, languages and economic developments through its comprehensive mix of news, current affairs and lifestyle programming.
The programming is Pan-Asian in content, style and delivery, going beyond the headlines to analyse key developments and its impact on Asia. Over the last 10 years, Channel NewsAsia has become the channel of choice for Asian professionals who want objective and balanced information.
방송 지역
Over 61 million homes & hotel rooms in over 28 territories
시 청 층
41 years age
US$7,238 household Income and US$4,130 personal income
US$234,756 investment
54% female and 46% male
69% enjoy going to new travel destinations
69% education
55% CEO, Chairman, MD, President, C-level, Director, GM, VP, CFO, Treasurer, Co Secretary, Financial Controller, Owner, Partner, Manager, Exec, Supervisor Officer and Head of Dept
70% gaining knowledge and be well informed is a priority
Channel NewsAsia is aptly supported online with two websites - www.channelnewsasia.com in English and www.xin.sg in Chinese. Updated throughout the day, the websites provide rich media content and relevant information in real-time, ideal for busy professionals who are always on the go.