As Seen in Hotels and Airports Across the US
The Business Traveler Show는 북미 최대 공항네트워크인 ReachTV 네트워크를 통해 방영되며, 노출 수는 주당 1,150만 회에 달하고 소셜 팔로워 수는 250만 명에 이릅니다. 전국 90개 북미 공항과 호텔 객실에서 방영되는 이 맞춤형 쇼는 비즈니스 및 유명 인사 인터뷰, 업계 리더의 전문가 의견, 검증된 제품 리뷰 및 주요 여행을 포함하여 Business Traveler 지에서 가장 선호하는 요소들을 생생하게 전달합니다. 출발 게이트, 중앙 홀, 항공사 바와 레스토랑, 주요 항공사 라운지에서 2,500개 이상의 주요 위치 스크린을 통해 시청하는 ReachTV 시청자에게 완벽하게 적합한 컨텐츠를 제공합니다.
The companion Business Traveler television show runs across the reachTV network, which boasts 11.5 million impressions per week and has a 2.5m social following. Airing in 90 North American airports and hotel guest rooms throughout the country, this custom show brings to life favorite elements of the print magazine and much more, including business and celebrity interviews, expert opinions from industry leaders, Tried & Tested product reviews and key travel news, Our content is perfectly suited to the reachTV audience, who watch on 2,500+ prime location screens by departure gates, in concourses, in airline bars and restaurants, and in leading airline lounges.
Business Traveler News
Business Traveler Profiles
C-Suite Interviews
Travel Well
The Concierge
Business Owner Profile
In the Workplace
Tried + Tested
Cocktail Mix
Business Traveler Magazine Review
Plays 6 times per day in 90 airports across North America
Airs 6 times a day on ReachTV, America's larget airport television network (with screens at departure gates, airport bars and restaurant, airline lounges, as well as 400,000 hotel guest rooms.)
Airport Audience Reach: 41+ million airport travelers every month
Hotel Audience Reach: Over 5 million viewers per month watch ReachTV in their hotels.