Business Traveller Russia
Business Traveller Russia

Russian-language Business Traveller

Business Traveller Russia 는 주요 러시아 및 외국 항공사, 모스크바 및 상테페테르부르크의 최고급 호텔, 공항의 VIP터미널, 기타 여러 러시아 및 외국 공항, 항공사 라운지, 개인 비행기 등에 배포됩니다.  아르메니아, 아제르바이젠, 벨로루시, 조지아, 카자흐스탄, 키르키스탄, 라트비아, 리투아니아, 몰디비아, 투르크메니스탄, 우즈베키스탄 및 우크라이나 공항의 VIP 및 SIP 라운지에서 항상 이용 할 수 있습니다.

Business Traveller Russia 는 또한 모스크바와 상테페테르부르크에서 특송으로 배포됩니다.  구독자는 비즈니스 엘리트, 최고경영자, 이사회 멤버, 주 의회 및 정부회원, 러시아 연방, 대통령 관청, 산업체, 은행, 기업 및 기타 사람들을 포함합니다.

The Russian-language Business Traveller magazine is distributed on board the leading Russian and foreign airlines, top class hotels in Moscow and Saint Petersburg,in business terminals and VIP zones of Moscow and Saint Petersburg airports, in a number of other Russian and foreign airports, at the lounges of Russian and foreign airlines, on the board of private jets.  The magazine is always available in VIP and SIP lounges in airports of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Ukraine.

The magazine is also distributed by exclusive mailing in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.  Subscribers include people from business elite, top managers, board members, members of The State Duma and the Government, the Federation Council of Russia, The Presidential Administration, industrial entities, banks, corporations and others.



It will only take a few pages for the readers to learn about what is happening around the world.  A monthly summary of the most important and interesting materials from our website.


Columns of the leading Russian travel journalists dedicated to answering current questions from our travellers.

Destination of the Month

The best Russian journalists share information on the most interesting cities and countries to visit for leisure or business events.

Duty Free

New arrivals at Duty-Free stores, in foreign and Russian airports.

Life Style

Cars, wine, gastronomy, luggage, cosmetics, medicine, fashion, real estate, education, electronics, SPA and fitness, watches, jewellery and much more.

Test Drive

Our editorial staff review flights, hotels, VIP lounges, new additions to the car rental park in Rent-a-Car companies and much more.

Letters from Our Readers

Our most interesting mail.

Q and a Section

Editors answer any questions you may have.

Loyalty Programs

Premium miles and bonuses. How to collect and how to use miles?  Everything you want to know about airline and hotel loyalty program.

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Business Traveller Russia